Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression Therapy involves stretching the spine, using a traction table or similar motorized device, with the goal of relieving back pain and/or leg pain.
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Spine Decompression Therapy
An advanced therapy by which the pressure in the disc is reduce. A vacuum type effect is produced on the center of disc (i.e. nucleus pulposus) which allows diffusion of nutrition into the disc. This speeds the process of recovery.
Repeated unloading and decompression allow diffusion of fluids which aid in reducing the chemical mediators of inflammation which can then lessen the pain.
The speed, duration, angle, and pattern of decompression can be adjusted according to the condition of patient. A series of treatment sessions make sure your nerve which was getting compressed due to slipped disc is relieved of the pressure on it.
Conditions Spine Decompression Therapy helps in treating:
Degenerative Disc Disease
Posterior Facet Syndrome
Acute Facet Problems
Protruding, Bulging and Herniated Disc
Prolapsed Disc
Radicular pain e.g. Sciatic Pain in Legs
Spinal Root Impingement
Discogenic Low Back Pain
Facet Syndrome
Degenerative Joint Disease
Cervical Rediculopathy